Caffeine in Yerba Mate

Caffeine in Yerba Mate

If you’re looking for a mild stimulant that helps with energy and focus without leaving you a caffeine hangover, start drinking Yerba Mate might be the right answer!

Yerba mate is considered a Super-Drink thanks to the many health benefits it has to offer, including its powerful energizing effect that can even surpass coffee and tea.

A study from the Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific Society concluded....

“It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to mate in nutritional value, practically all of the Yerba Mate has 196 active compounds including 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, antioxidants, and a unique harmony of stimulants which result in a clean balanced energy. It practically has all the nutritional value to sustain life"

For South Americans a well-prepared mate replaces a morning coffee just as well as a 5 o'clock tea. Many people are switching from drinking coffee to drinking yerba mate or replacing part of their coffee consumption with it. Why? Yerba mate's naturally caffeinated leaves give drinkers sustained stimulation without  jitters or post-coffee crashes. Coffee lovers enjoy it as well since yerba mate caffeine content is significantly higher than other teas.


"Yerba mate is considered a Super-Drink, thanks to the many health benefits it has to offer, including its powerful energizing effect that can even surpass coffee and tea." 



An 8-ounce serving of brewed yerba mate contains about 85 mg of caffeine. Coffee (depending on the brew strength) has about 130 mg of caffeine and green tea has 50 mg.  While it has less caffeine than coffee, Yerba Mate tends to have a more balanced, sustained energy effect compared to coffee. Yerba Mate also provides many health benefits and will give you a caffeine boost without the jitters!


Some people refer to the caffeine present in mate as “mateine” which  is a synonym for caffeine, is in fact, the term used to name the alkaloids combination present in Yerba Mate: theobromine and theophylline, both of which are stimulants similar to caffeine. Caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline are all xanthines which is the name of a family of mild stimulants.

So....What has the strength of coffee, the health advantages of tea and the appeal of chocolate? The answer is easy: YERBA MATE

Caffeine content in yerba mate might help you increase your energy levels giving you longer lasting energy than coffee (one study revealed yerba mate substantially increased exercise endurance).

Theophylline is a stimulant that is known to increase mental focus and is present in green and black tea. Theobromine is a stimulant that makes you feel good and is also found in chocolate.

The combination of these three boosters (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) creates an effect different from coffee. They are stimulating without being overwhelming, and are responsible for mate’s sustained energizing effect.

In summary, if you’re looking for a stimulating, energizing tea, then Yerba Mate should the BEST choice for you :)

Pregnant women and individuals sensitive to caffeine or taking certain prescribed medications should drink it with caution.


"The combination of these three boosters (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) creates an effect different from coffee. They are stimulating without being overwhelming, responsible for mate’s sustained energizing effect."


Ready to order BOHEMIA YERBA MATE? 
(Click above to access the E-shop)


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